DEPARTE - 2012 (Moartea-nu)  
Departe Album Tracks


Piano: Bernard Oglesby, Cello: Ayer Ontak/Mihai Neculai, Animoog Synth Bernard Oglesby. (7.30)

Ar trebui
Cello: Ayer Ontak/Mihai Neculai, Violin: Mihai Neculai, Voice: Bernard Oglesby. (8.40)

Cello: Ayer Ontak/Mihai Neculai, Voice: Bernard Oglesby. (6.00)

Sleeve Notes

Departe forms part of an extensive body of orchestral and film works based in part on the extraordinary poems of O. Nimigean. O. Nimigean is a poet, novelist, and critic — one of the major voices of contemporary Romanian literature. His style is praised for its freshness, versatility and chameleonic variety, while his wide range of registers and forms span pastiche, satire, profane experiments with reshaping the sonnet, ballad, love-song, and elegy.